By Emily Setona
QWAQWA – Morena e moholo Moremoholo Mopeli celebrated his 41st birthday at Elizabeth Ross hospital and honoured the midwife who assisted his mother during the labour with a beautiful blanket as a token of appreciation.
Pulane Morailane was only thirty years old when she was the midwife to the queen mother Mofumahadi Mathokoana Mopeli when she gave birth to Morena e moholo Moremoholo Mopeli of the Bakoena royal household on the 10th of May 1983. This year Morena e moholo celebrated his birthday with five children who share this birthday with him and delivered gifts to them at a birthday celebration held at the Elizabeth Ross hospital where they were all born.
“I feel very honoured today because I never thought this day would come where I’m being honoured like this. As an advanced nurse and midwife, I was on duty that day and I didn’t know that I would be assisting Mofumahadi Mathokoana Mopeli to give birth to a healthy baby boy who would later become Morena e moholo Moremoholo Mopeli. I really appreciate this acknowledgement and feel truly humbled,” 71-year-old Morailane said in an interview with The Guard.
While addressing the crowd Mofumahadi Mathokoana Mopeli said that she slept at the hospital before the birth due to the challenges of this pregnancy and that Morena e moholo was a premature baby. “Nurse Morailane and the late Dr. Maja are the ones who made sure that my son who is now Morena e moholo wa bakoena arrives safely on earth. May the good lord blessed you and keep you for us my son,”

In between Morena e moholo Moremoholo Mopeli and his wife Mofumahadi Mamotebang Mopeli and his mother Mofumahadi Mathokoana Mopeli.
Mofumahadi Mathokoana Mopeli said.
The Chief Executive Officer of the hospital Hernia Matshoba addressed the crow saying that the 10th of May is a blessed day for Elizabeth Ross hospital, and it is an honour and a privileged for the hospital to be celebrating this special day with Morena e moholo and the royal family.
Morena e moholo Moremoholo donated some items to the maternity ward where he was born and shared a cake with those gathered at this birthday celebration.
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