By Emily Setona
QWAQWA – The Member of the Mayoral Committee (MMC) responsible for Special Programs, Women, Children and People with disabilities, Ellen Mofokeng, partnered with the department of health and other stakeholders to raise awareness on health-related issues among the community of Maluti–a– Phofung (MAP) last Saturday.
As head of the department that is responsible for special programs, Mofokeng hosted the campaign on the day that coincided with a soccer tournament that was organized by the Rural Sports Development.
In an interview with The Guard, she noted with concern that the community suffers from a number of social ills that stem from poor health practices.
According to a gender officer who works in MAP municipality, Ouma Tolofi, most men are afraid to go to the clinic to test for HIV/AIDS, diabetes and other chronic illnesses.
“The idea was to invite parents to come and watch their children participate in the semifinal and final games of the soccer tournament and, while there, encourage them to know their various health statuses,” Tolofi said.
Sekamotho Moabi from Lifeline Thabo Mofutsanyana said: “Lifeline is an organization that is concerned with people’s emotional health and well-being holistically. We have realized that most serious issues such as gender based violence (GBV) come from men and women who are suffering from health issues they are ashamed to talk about.”

Lifeline has a toll-free call center that people can call and get help from the comfort of their home. Their team is there to help offer practical solutions to people with emotional and health problems without the invasiveness or anxiety that face –to – face interactions with counselors or healthcare workers often give people with emotional health issues.
“We are here in support of this event because our community needs to know that the department of health is here to assist them; we offer free tests for HIV, diabetes, high blood pressure and recently Covid 19,” Nkepane Tafa said.
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