The Guard

The Truth On Board

Early Christmas for Maluti-A-Phofung’s poor

By Libuseng Nyaka

QWAQWA-Jwalane Mosiah , one of recipients of  groceries donated by Nedbank in partnership with Maluti-A-Phofung local municipality, has expressed appreciation at the gesture, describing it as a gift from God.

Mosiah-who survives on a government grant -said the donation will enable her to purchase other household necessities.

“I am so humbled and grateful for the deed of Nedbank and  our municipality. I am so relieved now that I have supplies. I will be able to spend  my grant money on other important household expenses. I feel blessed to have been selected from among many  poor people around our area.”

Speaking on behalf of the donor, Jabulani Tshabalala of Nedbank said the bank has a food parcel project at national level and it also identifies itself as a social cooperative investment bank.

He said Maluti-A-Phofung is one of  four municipalities selected in Free State and Nedbank works with municipalities to identify indigents from their  database.

“We are here because at Nedbank, we have a food parcels project and people who are responsible for public sector services coordinate it at provincial level to select the municipalities. Maluti-A-Phofung is one four municipalities who are beneficiaries in Free State. The municipalities assist us to select beneficiaries from their indigents database. We know that Covid -19 has negatively affected people’s lives, as some have lost their jobs hence compounding the already existing poverty. As a bank we decided to bring a small change in such families.”

From left Nedbank’s Jabulani Tshabalala handing over food parcels to Mamosebetsi Mabuya and MMC Tshedi Tsoeu.

Tshabalala described Nedbank as a champion of corporate social investment which ploughs back to the communities where they work.

He also announced that there is a project in the pipeline intended for Maluti-A-Phofung.

“As Nedbank we belief in sustainable projects which have an element of job creation. This is a project that we will launch with the mayor after consulting with the mayor.”

On behalf of the municipality the member of mayoral committee responsible for special project, women , children and persons living with disability Tshedi Tsoeu acknowledged Nedbank’s food parcels projects which targets poor people.

“As municipalities we are very fortunate to have such an act of kindness extended to us. It is very rare to find someone who will go out of their way to help poor people, especially during Christmas when food needed most.”