By Libuseng Nyaka
QWAQWA – The manager of Setsing shopping centre Hlamule Patrick Chauke has allayed customers and tenants’ fears after the engagement of local security Kill Crime Security to help fight crime at the centre.
Chauke said as management they had to do something after many tenants complained about rampant crime that was affecting their businesses.
“We have since seen a lot of improvement, more arrests of shoplifters and pickpockets and this has restored the confidence of our tenants as customers are now coming to their shops in numbers.
“The constant visibility of security guards is one of the things that contributed to the decline of crime and the good thing is it is done by local security personnel who speak the local language and can detect when criminals plot nefarious activities.
“They have managed to get rid of a gambling spot which was the epicentre of pickpocketing. We are encouraged and ready to enter into the festive season knowing that our clients and shoppers will be safe.”
Chauke said the choice of Kill Crime Security company was influenced by tenants themselves because they trusted the company’s work ethic and experience.
“Some of the tenants suggested that we enlist the services of Kill Crime because of its experience; being a local company also makes it easily accessible.”

The director of Kill Crime Security company, Thabiso Skhosana, has attributed their ability to reduce crime to their disciplined approach.
“We teach our security staff to be disciplined and respect the community that they work with. We make sure that our security guards work hand in hand with the community in the area that we are assigned at. We also make sure we know the crime hot spots of the area that we are working at.”
Well I think this idea of security is a very good and I will like it ,if every shopping centre had this great idea
Well done kill crime security
Good job officers
Good job officers
So sad those fathers and mothers
Are working hard but not paid
We as community we r happy and going free of nyaopes but they are not happy and their salaries have been cut