It is hereby notified in terms of section 49 of the Municipal Land Use Planning By-Law, 2015, that an application has been lodged at the Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality by TS Geomatics being the authorized applicant of the propertyErf7616 Phuthaditjhaba-a have applied for the amendment of the Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality Land Use Scheme, 2022 by rezoning from “Residential 1”to “Residential 2” for the development of a Guesthouse. This is a Category 2 application submitted in terms of Section 16(2) (a) (ii) of the Maluti-A-Phofung Local Municipality Land Use Planning By-Laws, 2015.
The relevant documents and information including plans are available for inspection during office hours (07:45-16:30) at Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality on the Cnr Moremoholo & Motloung Streets, Setsing Complex, Phuthaditjhaba, 9869, as well as at the office of TS Geomatics, at 414 Kwa Godi next to Mashesha, UMnambithi, during office hours (Mon. –Thu. between 07:30-16:30 & Fri between 07:30-13:00) hours.
Any person who wishes to provide comments,objections,or representations to the granting of the proposed application, must submit such written comments, objections, or representations together with the reasons therefor, and their e-mail address, postal address, street address and telephone numbers(s) to Ercilia Babalwa, Town Planner at Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality, Private Bag X805, Witsieshoek, 9866, Fax: 058 713 0812 or
Any person who cannot write may, during office hours, visit the office of Ercilia Babalwa Pereira, at the Cnr Moremoholo & Motloung Streets, Setsing Complex, Phuthaditjhaba, 9869, where the responsible official will assist such person by transcribing their objections, comments or representations.
Comments, objections or representations referred to above must reach the abovementioned office not later than 16:00 on……………………………………. (Day, and expiry date)
All relevant parties will be notified in writing of the inspection and hearing date. Please note that any objections that are received after the closing date will be disregarded.
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